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Archive for January, 2007

Bush’s Real Strategy: Blood for Oil…

In Jan. 2005, before the appointment of the new Iraqi government, the IMF agreed to cancel 30 per cent of Iraq’s debt in exchange for Iraqi compliance with IMF conditioned economic policies. Nestled in the fine print, the agreement forces Iraq to pass an oil law be the end of Dec. 2006. (later to be the date set for the sudden execution of Saddam Hussein). Was it by mere chance that the two facts coincided? Perhaps, but then there is the logic to events.

Oil is the Prize of the invasion, losing Iraq’s oil is the real loss of the war. Now the fate of the draft oil law is in the balance. Bush worked hard to have that draft passed by the Iraqi Parliament giving the law a semblance of legitimacy. Securing Iraqi government’s signature on the oil agreement, could well shore up the president position, offering him a chance to claim an important victory.

إما تحرر العراق تحررا كاملا؛ أو خراب إقليمي وعالمي

أصبح العالم أمام خيارين: إما تحرر العراق تحررا كاملا؛ أو خراب إقليمي وعالمي

تستهل «الغد» عددها هذا بإلمامة سريعة للأزمة الخانقة التي حلت بالاحتلال في العراق وامتدادتها الإقليمية والعالمية، ذلك أن هذه الأزمة لم تعد خافية، او قابلة للتمويه. ويكفي من يشك في ذلك الرجوع لوثاق رسمية كتقرير جماعة بيكر - هاملتون،وتقرير جماعة دراسة الأزمات التي […]

Iraq and the World

Success in Iaq will change the world!
President George W. Bush.
Bob Woodward, Bush at War, Part III, p. 262.

The execution of of Saddam, may have closed one chapter of Iraqi history, but it will certainly open another, of far different kind. This issue of “Al-Ghad”, went on line just as news of the eminent demise of […]