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About Al-Ghad

Al-Ghad is the voice of the democratic left in Iraq, was launched, as a periodical, in the UK in the eighties to expose Saddam’s regime atrocities and point out the way forward. It was republished in Iraq in 2003 shortly after the US occupation of the country. Due to circumstances beyond our control it ceased publication in 2004. This is the first issue of its second republication.

During its brief publication in Iraq Al-Ghad played an important role in exposing US plans to “privatise” Iraq’s oil industry, and to disband state sector industries causing the unemployment of millions of workers. It called for: a time-table for the US occupation withdrawal, the reactivation of the 1958 constitution, a national united front, and fully democratic elections. It opposed the US enforced constitution and its sectarian based elections.

Al-Ghad may be contacted by email to