Archive for 'Analysis'
Iraq Water Crisis
Al-Ghad is proud to publish a new Book (in Arabic for the present) regarding the crisis of water in Iraq.
This problem is of no less importance than that of Iraqi oil. The combination of the two could lead to consequences far beyond the area, given the impotence and the […]
Posted: February 20th, 2010 under Politics, Analysis.
Comments: 1
Burning Issues - part 1
Al-Ghad has promised to publish an English summary of Mr. Dhyaa Al-Murib important study of the current oil problem in Iraq. We are glad to publish a full translation, but in two parts. The following is Part One:
The oil monopolies in feverish efforts to fulfil their long-term strategy
By Dheyaa Al-Murib 23-11-2009
The questioning of […]
Posted: December 30th, 2009 under Oil, Analysis.
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Burning Issues
Al-Ghad is glad to publish the following important analysis of the present dangerous stage of the oil problem in Iraq. The analysis is written by the prominent Iraqi analyst, Mr. Dhyaa Al-Murib. It is our hope to publish an English summary of the analysis soon. The present greedy rush is to grab the main source […]
Posted: December 4th, 2009 under Oil, Analysis.
Comments: 1
Kuwait and the exit of Iraq from Chapter 7
As the national elections near, the political life get more active and heated. Already the Kurdish political parties completed their regional elections with new meeting with al-Maliki and the leaders of the Kurdish parties. A new crisis is brewing and about to explodes, this time with Kuwait. President Obama is reported to have asked Iraq […]
Posted: August 6th, 2009 under Politics, Analysis.
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الكويت وإخراج العراق من البند السابع
نشر ت صحيفة الاندبندنت البريطانية مقالة في عددها الصادر في 29 تموز الماضي بقلم الصحفي المعروف روبرت فيسك تحت عنوان : ” إرث حرب الخليج يندلع نتيجة قيام الكويت –الضنينة- باعتصار العراق” و قد لقيت المقالة المذكورة اصداء واسعة في الاوساط الاعلامية العالمية و هي تتحدث عن اصرار حكام الكويت على ابقاء العراق تحت طائلة […]
Posted: August 6th, 2009 under Politics, Analysis.
Comments: 1
السيا سة النفطية والتراخيص
*Oil Politics and Iraq’s Oil Auctions*
Al-Ghad is publishing the third instalment of Mr Dhyaa Almurib important
study of Iraq’s Oil and its latest auction. This instalment deals
with the background of Oil politics in Iraq.
السيا سة النفطية والتراخيص
(الحلقة الثالثة)
ضياء المرعب
تحدثنا في الحلقا ت السابقة عن فتح الحقول العرا قية المنتجة اما م الاحتكارات النفطية العالمية الكبرى […]
Posted: July 13th, 2009 under Oil, Politics, Analysis.
Comments: 2
جولة التراخيص الاولى: متابعة وتحليل
Al Ghad is glad to publish this broad review of the international press regarding the recent auction of Iraq’s oil fields, by Mr Dhyaa al-Murib, the well known Iraqi commentator.
جولة التراخيص الاولى: متابعة وتحليل
بقلم ضياء المرعب
واخيرا اغلقت جولة التراخيص الاولى لتطوير الحقو ل العراقية المنتجة فعلا يوم الثلاثين من شهر حزيران برسو […]
Posted: July 7th, 2009 under Oil, Analysis.
Comments: 1
Notes on the Draft Agreement Between Shell and the Iraqi Oil Ministry
Al-Amir - Shell Agreement Study (Arabic)
Al-Ghad is publishing an important study (in Arabic) on the Draft Agreement signed by between Shell and the Iraqi Oil Ministry.
This study is by the prominent oil and gas expert Mr Fouad al-Amir. This study comes during complex conditions in Iraq and, an unprecedented, world economic crisis. In Iraq itself […]
Posted: December 23rd, 2008 under Oil, Analysis.
Comments: 1
New Book on US-Iraq Treaty
Al-Amir US-Iraq Security Agreement Book (Arabic)
Al-Ghad is pleased to publish the full book (in Arabic) by our prominent contributor, Fouad Qasim Al-Amir, on the US-Iraq draft treaty. The book will be published in Iraq in next few days.
Al-Ghad has published most chapters of this important study. The release of the whole book comes in the […]
Posted: November 8th, 2008 under Politics, Analysis.
Comments: 1
A New Chapter of the Proposed US-Iraq Security Agreement
In July, 2008 Al-Ghad published an important study of 73 pages, on the proposed security agreement between US and the Iraqi Government, by Mr Fouad Qasim Al-Amir, the well-known commentator and oil expert. Al-Ghad is glad to publish a new chapter (in Arabic) to that study covering the important vassalage relationship the US strives […]
Posted: October 23rd, 2008 under Politics, Analysis.
Comments: 1